TIM - Twins' International Multihelix - a part of multihelix

we build alliances for life science

We are a consultancy company with a strong mission to create value for people's health and well being by utilising knowledge for sustainable growth and welfare.

TIM - Twin's international multihelix

Twins´ International MultiHelix – TIM, including eight science parks or clusters in Asia, North America, and Europe, have together developed a three years strategy describing the areas of common interest for all members. The eight different areas are aimed to engage with members of the respective science park or cluster and their networks and involve as examples biomanufacturing, living labs, soft landing programs, and digital health.

The tim family

tim - PArtners

These clusters, science, and technology parks have a joint vision to create an international Life Science "supercluster", addressing and solving societal challenges to improve health and wellbeing. Partners’ joint mission is to collaborate internationally to prosper regionally. 
The tim family

tim - International Network

Contact us

Scheeletorget 1, 223 63 Lund, Sweden 

+46 (0)709 13 12 36
