The history of tim
Twins’ International MultiHelix (TIM), founded in 2016, is a non-legally binding supercluster covering ten life science clusters and science parks in nine countries in North America, Asia, and Europe. TIM is part of the MultiHelix AB based in Sweden. TIM’s vision is to bridge clusters and science parks by leveraging expertise in international alliances to improve ecosystems and peoples’ health and well-being.
TIM focuses on life sciences, including but not limited to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, digitalization, diagnostics as well as e-health, nanotechnology, functional food, and related business services. The coordination of the cooperation is performed by a joint secretariat based in Sweden. All partners are working in a multihelix format with multiple stakeholders from the business sector, the healthcare sector, and the academic world. At TIM, we accelerate the development of and access to innovative solutions by fostering new collaborations and facilitating the exploration of global challenges like providing active and healthy aging to the elderly. Furthermore, working in a multihelix approach creates a strong synergy for innovation and job opportunities, supported by a vibrant and robust ecosystem of incubators and accelerators. We believe this leads to a long-term win-win solution for the partner regions’ health and economy.